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Frequently Asked Questions about Skips Bins & Skip Hire

Is Bins Skips Waste and Recycling local?

Yes! We are Australia wide but we have local skip bin provider partners who work locally in most areas of Australia.

What size bin do I need?

It depends on what sort of waste you have. Generally, if you have one trailer load of waste, that would be 2m3 in a bin.

How much is it for extra days on top of the hire period?

Cost vary based on your location and the size and type of bin. You should check the service or give us a call to find out if you will require the skip bin on-site for more days.

Do I have to have the bin for the whole hire period? Is it cheaper if I keep it fewer days?

No you don't have to have the bin for whole hire period. Just give us a call as soon as you have filled it and we will put it on the pick-up list. However, it is the same price for the amount of days hired.

Do you have a service where someone can come and fill my skip?

Unfortunately no.

How much notice should I give to order a bin?

Generally, a day or two notice is plenty. However, we also can usually arrange same day bookings over the phone.

Do I need a permit for the bin?

If the bin is going on council grounds and not your property or driveway, yes you do. The following states require you to order your own permit from your local council:

New South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia, and Northern Territory.

Skip bin providers in Victoria or Queensland will usually organise the permit for you.

If I order an asbestos bin, do you provide tape and plastic? Also, can I mix other general waste with asbestos waste?

Yes, if you order an asbestos bin you will receive the tape and plastic to wrap your waste in. However, you can only put asbestos waste in your asbestos bin; nothing else.

How can I pay?

You can call us and arrange your bin over the phone and pay by direct deposit, cash on delivery or credit/debit card. If you book online, you can pay by credit or debit card.